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Dakinis and Dakas from school

It has been beautiful, accompanying these wonderful beings in part of their learning of life, through Tantra training; they have felt in their hearts to be at the service to accompany others to transit towards the reconnection of their Being.

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Masseur and Tantric therapist. Diploma in massage, dietetics and nutrition Ayurveda. Postgraduate in Ayurveda medicine and Marma massage.

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Masajista Tántrica. Cursando Psicología.

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Masajista tántrica. Formación en masaje sensitivo, tántrico y californiano.

Formación en terapia Gestalt.

Cursando sexualidad somática

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Tantric masseur. Yoga teacher. Reiki level I, II and III.

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Masajista Tántrica. Maestría de Reiki Usui Japonés. Maestría Reiki Egipcio Sekhem Seichim. Maestría Registros Akashicos. Terapeuta floral del sistema Bach. Terapeuta de Constelaciones Familiares.

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It is said that you reach your destined path, whether you take the most direct path or a longer route.

I was born in 1978 in the Netherlands, and according to my mother, I danced before I could walk since I connected with nature, spirituality, creating and exploring. I decided to take the professional path of science. I started studying microbiology in the Netherlands and molecular biology in the UK, which brought me to Barcelona as project manager for international projects.

Meanwhile, I was opening up more to the world of body consciousness, from the personal experience of how physical tensions and discomforts changed according to my mental and emotional state. I came to further explore the importance of nourishing touch, body awareness, and emotion management. I began to focus on massage therapy, developing massage and my ability to alleviate discomfort with energy through my hands. Therefore, my main professional training is directed to manual therapies, tantric massage and sexual healing.

My current career path started in 2014, although it was delayed due to serious back problems. They told me that I had to learn to coexist with pain, because apparently there was no clear cause, as it happens to many of us. But after two years of hard work, I was cured, I returned to dance with intensity, and I am here to accompany you in your process!

Here comes tantra - it plays an important role in my personal growth process, in many stages marked or 'pushed' by both physical and mental discomfort. I started the exploration 10 years ago, to train in Tantric Masotherapy in 2017 with Daniella herself. It brought more tools to develop self-listening, allowing me to open myself to my feminine polarity, my needs and the healer within me, who was well locked behind this proverbial wall ... It teaches me how to stay more present, feel and move energy.

The best gift? To be able to share this wealth with you!


I am deeply grateful to be able to offer tantric massage and sexual healing. In addition, sessions of nutritive-energetic massage, reflexology, and metamorphic massage (rather, 'journey').


Lokah Samastah Sukhino Bhavantu!

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